Friday, January 27, 2012

Is It Friday Yet?

Site is working today and I was able to up load this picture. 

My computer reminded me it was Friday and I needed to do my blog.  Yes, I am getting this up very late, but at least I got it done.

The Bloggess blogs on other sites and on this one she is teaching us about manners.  You go girl!

E. J. Copperman has an interesting post over at Jungle Red Writers about being given advice.  I think he is telling me, writing is a very personal thing and we each need to find our own way to do it.  Works for me.

Mainly what a want to do today is advertise my new book.  It will be out soon as an e book at Smashwords and Amazon.  I will let you know when I have up loaded it.

Could life become more complicated?  Wendy was finding out the hard way it could.  First a parrot by the name of Charlie walked into her life yelling murder.  Her ex-boyfriend is making threatening phone calls and then Detective Brandon who is checking out the murder of Charlie’s owner is the bully who had made Wendy’s life hell in high school.  Fate was laughing its butt off.

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